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Following the release of MSFS 2024 Just Flight has released a free compatibility update to all owners of the RJ Professional. The update is available for new and existing customers.
Following on from their hugely popular 146 Professional for MSFS, Just Flight's in-house development team has created a high fidelity simulation of Britain’s last airliner, the RJ Professional.
RJ Professional brings you all three variants of the RJ family: the RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100. Each variant is fully custom-coded and created using comprehensive, hands-on research with a real world aircraft, RJ-100 SE-RJI. Over 25 high quality liveries represent the vast number of RJ operators from all around the world.
The RJ was developed in the 1980s and 1990s and first took to the air in 1992. The main goal of the RJ was to succeed the 146 regional jets, many of which were still flying in their original analogue cockpit configurations and without sophisticated autopilot or navigation systems. This, along with newer and more modern regional jets from other manufacturers, meant that it was beginning to prove difficult for airlines to operate the 146 in the modern-day aviation environment and a new aircraft was required.
The results of those efforts was the RJ, a glass cockpit airliner equipped with an EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System), PED (Primary Engine Display), FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) and FMS (Flight Management System) - a generational leap in capability from the 146.
Other avionics improvements include a fully automatic pressurisation system, digitally displayed COM/NAV/ADF radio, an autothrottle, a TRP (Thrust Rating Panel) allowing you to set V-speeds on the EFIS displays as well as select different engine power modes and a much more advanced autopilot, with LNAV and CAT3 autoland capabilities. The aircraft was also fitted with an FMS as standard, which in our simulation comes in the form of a fully custom-coded GNLU-910A.
Amongst all of these more advanced features, the RJ and the 146 both share the same type rating; there are, therefore, a lot of similarities in the operating philosophies between the two aircraft. A true mix of retro and modern and a really quirky aircraft to study and to fly!
The following PDF manuals are included with the aircraft software and you can also download them here: Operations Manual / EFB Manual /GNLU-910A FMS Manual
What are the differences between the 146 Professional and the RJ Professional? See all the details here!
All three variants of the RJ are included:
- RJ70
- RJ85
- RJ100
- Accurately modelled using real-world aircraft plans and comprehensive photography of the real aircraft (RJ100 SE-RJI)
- Custom-modelled ground equipment (GPU, chocks)
- Optional equipment correctly configured for each livery (HF antennas, VHF3 antenna, tail skid)
- Highly detailed passenger cabin and galleys customised for each RJ variant, with fully simulated forward and rear galley controls
- Numerous animations, including trailing edge flap surfaces, wing-mounted lift spoilers and tail-mounted airbrakes, all cockpit, passenger, service and cargo doors, integral airstairs, windscreen wipers, distinctive retractable tricycle landing gear, and more
- Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials produce realistic metallic, plastic and glass surfaces
- 4K and 8K textures used throughout the product to produce the highest possible texture clarity
- Authentic labelling and placards based on those found in the real aircraft, with decals used for high-resolution text
- MSFS ground services support (marshaller, fuel truck etc.)
- Full support for MSFS visual icing effects
- Captain and First Officer positions are modelled with hundreds of functional switches, knobs and controls. Even the pilot and observer seats, cup holders and sun visors are functional!
- A truly 3D cockpit environment right down to accurately modelled seat belts and screw heads - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
- Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
- Accurately modelled CRT, LCD and LED displays
- Custom-coded GNLU-910A FMS
- Aircraft state system which will automatically save the aircraft state whenever a flight is saved and reload it whenever that flight is loaded
- Aircraft configuration system which allows you to choose between 'Cold & Dark', ‘Turnaround’ or 'Ready for Take-off'
- Many features have been added to help with usability such as the ability to hide the control yokes for a better view of the instruments and pre-set camera views for the overhead panel, centre pedestal and jump seat, hidden clickspot for setting all altimeters to standard and controlling all four N1 and TGT bugs, and automatic ground idle selection
- Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers
- Fully compatible with MSFS VR mode
- EFB tablet with a plethora of features including boarding simulation, failures menu and interactive checklists, as well as SimBrief and Navigraph support
- Fully interactable and customisable paper charts and checklists
The RJ comes with a variety of liveries representing the aircraft's numerous operators from all around the world:
- Alitalia Express (EI-CPJ)
- Business Express Airlines (N832BE)
- Euro Manx (EI-CPJ)
- ETPS (QQ102)
- Formula One Management (M-STRY)
- QinetiQ (G-ETPK)
- Air France (EI-RJB)
- Airlink South Africa (ZS-TCO)
- Blue1 (OH-SAO)
- Braathens (SE-DJO)
- Brussels Airlines (OO-DJX)
- CityJet (EI-RJO)
- Crossair (HB-IXH)
- Lufthansa (D-AVRB)
- Northwest Airlink (N525XJ)
- Northwest Jet Airlink (N519XJ)
- Sabena (OO-DJK)
- Aegean (SX-DVC)
- Atlantic Airways (OY-RCC)
- British Airways (G-BXAS)
- Brussels Airlines (OO-DWH)
- British Airways – Colum (G-BZAU)
- Cello Aviation (G-ILLR)
- Cobham (VH-NJQ)
- Jota Aviation (G-JOTS)
- Malmo Aviation – Swedish Football (SE-DSU)
- North Cariboo Air (C-FSUA)
- Summit Air (C-FXRJ)
- Swiss (HB-IXT)
- Swiss - Zurich Airport Shopping Paradise (HB-IYS)
A PSD Paint Kit is also available to download, allowing for the creation of custom livery and cabin textures.
RJ Professional features fully custom-coded aircraft systems with a high degree of complexity and depth, including:
Air-conditioning and pressurisation system
- Automatic and manual pressurisation modes with control of outflow valves, barometric and cabin rate settings, indications and cabin altitude warnings
- Cabin altitude and differential values based on real-world data
- Automatic and manual flight deck and cabin temperature control – takes account of ambient temperature, the amount of direct sunlight hitting the aircraft, air supply from the engines and/or APU, fresh or recirculated air and even whether the doors are open!
- Simulated FLT DECK AIR functionality, which when enabled, diverts all air flow from PACK 1 to the cockpit
- Realistic APU start and shutdown procedures, and bleed air and electrical power supply
- RPM, TGT and fuel burn values based on real-world data
Auto-flight system
- Autopilot and flight director system with multiple modes:
- Pitch – ALT HLD, APP, LVL CHG and V/S
- Roll – HDG SEL, LVAV (FMS) and VOR LOC
- Autothrottle
- Flight director SYNC mode for manual changes of pitch in IAS and VS modes - Fully functional mode annunciations, engagement and disengagement criteria (including roll and pitch rate cut-out and stall cut-out) and integration with EFIS PFD and ND
- Simulated CAT 3 Autoland capability
- Custom-coded GNLU-910A FMS
Communication system
- Dual VHF COMM, NAV and ADF radios, with 8.33kHz spacing support
- Cockpit voice recorder test and indication systems
- Functioning audio selector, with options to adjust the volume of ATC communications and pilot/cabin crew interactions
- PA chimes and cockpit/cabin interaction
Doors and stairs
- Animations panel for controlling passenger and service doors, and lower cargo doors
- Deployable airstairs, powered by the Yellow hydraulic system
- Optionally fitted Airstairs Accumulator via an option on the EFB, when fitted, this stores hydraulic pressure in an accumulator allowing up to two full retractions of the airstairs without the Yellow hydraulic system being pressurised
- Optionally fitted Airstairs Lights via an option on the EFB, controllable via a STAIR RETRACTION switch in the forward galley
- Doors and airstairs can be controlled manually via their respective handles and levers in the cabin, or via buttons on the EFB
Electrical system
- Independent engine, APU and external power (AC and DC) sources
- Generator and TRU loading, and automatic load switching
- Standby generator and inverter power sources for non-normal procedures
- Independent AC channels, including normal, essential and emergency busbars, and bus-tie facilities
Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)
The aircraft is equipped with a tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft options and payloads, including:
- Set fuel quantity in individual tanks (including total fuel weight, automatically split between tanks)
- Set payloads in passenger cabin and cargo holds (including Zero Fuel Weight)
- Control the pilot and cabin announcements
- Quickly select aircraft states (Ready for Take-off, Turnaround and Cold-and-Dark)
- Toggle ground power unit (GPU) and chocks
- Monitor CG position and automatically set take-off trim based on CG
- Aircraft configuration menu with many options, including altimeter sync, traditional/TCAS VSI, state saving, cabin lighting, model customisation options and much more
The EFB can also be used for flight planning and monitoring:
- Import your SimBrief flight and view a summary or scrollable full OFP
- Monitor your position in real time using a map view with tracking, zoom and pan options
- Support for Navigraph Airport Charts and Navigraph En Route Charts (requires an active Navigraph subscription)
- Use a notepad for making notes during the flight, particularly useful for noting down clearances and taxi instructions
FDE and effects
- Realistic and accurate performance in the air and on the ground, using unique flight models for all variants based on real-world performance and handling data, and input from real-world RJ pilots and engineers
- Custom effects for enhanced immersion, including engine, APU and GPU exhaust haze
- Complete exterior lights package as seen on the real RJ, including landing, wing, runway, logo and taxi lights that illuminate objects and the ground, for ease of operation during the hours of darkness
Fire protection system
- Engine, APU and fuselage fire detection and warning systems
- Engine fire extinguishing system
- Fully simulated test functionality
Flight controls
- Servo-tab simulation – the position of elevator and aileron surfaces is dependent on servo-tab control inputs and airflow over the surface
- Iconic tail-mounted airbrakes, roll and lift spoilers with independent hydraulic sources, realistic deployment times and custom AC and PTU pump sounds
- Flight control disconnect and yoke control lock functionality
- Accurately simulated flap system with hydraulic and electrical power sources, baulk override, fault testing and iconic howl when deployed in the air
- Stall identification and warning systems, including stick shaker and pusher, and inhibit mode
- Simulated configuration warning system
- Flap Trim Compensation (FTC) system
Flight Management System
- Custom-coded GNLU-910A FMS for lateral navigation (LNAV) and vertical navigation (VNAV)
- Fully simulated IDENT, RTE, LEGS, HOLD, PROG, FIX, DEPARR, VNAV CLB, VNAV CRZ and VNAV DES pages, and many more!
- Autopilot-coupled LNAV including integration with the EFIS PFD and ND
- Ability to manually input flight plans or import them automatically via Company Route integration
- SID and STAR support
- Holding pattern support
- Navigation and performance monitoring, including ETA and fuel estimations
- Simulated VNAV approach functionality, this provides an advisory VNAV (AVNAV) vertical deviation indicator for non-precision approaches when within the terminal area of the arrival airport
- Top of Climb and Top of Descent calculations integrated with the EFIS ND
Fuel system
- Realistic fuel load and burn based on real-world data
- Simulated electrical normal and hydraulic standby fuel pumps, centre and wing tanks with feed tanks for each engine, and LP and HP fuel cocks
- Fully functional centre-to-wing fuel transfer, cross-feed and common-feed valves
- Auxiliary fuel tanks fitted (can be toggled via the EFB) to provide additional range - great for bizjet operations
Hydraulic system
- Independent yellow and green hydraulic systems with realistic pressure, quantity and supply to other systems
- Simulated AC and DC driven back-up pumps and power transfer unit (PTU)
- Functional standby generator for supplying AC and DC electrical power in non-normal situations
- Simulated depleting brake pressure over time when hydraulic supply is removed or the emergency brake system is used
- Simulated airbrake deployment over time when hydraulic supply is removed and the airbrake locks fail
Ice and rain protection system
- Ice detection and accumulation simulation, anti-icing and de-icing functionality for exterior surfaces, warning systems for in-flight monitoring
- Simulation of separate inner and outer wing anti-icing, and windscreen overheating
Indicating and recording systems
- A vast array of annunciators, including accurately simulated Central Warning Panel (CWP) and Master Warning System (MWS) with amber and red cautions, audible warnings and ground testing for all systems
- Simulated Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Quick Access Recorder (QAR) functionality and ground tests
- Aircraft clock with all modes simulated
Landing gear
- Normal and emergency gear extension, including gear down-lock override
- Gear configuration indication and warning systems
- Simulated brake accumulators supplied via the hydraulic power sources (yellow or green), anti-skid and brake temperature indicator with cooling down periods that are affected by ambient temperature, brake usage and brake fans
- Captain and First Officer tillers for realistic nose-wheel steering
- An EFB option toggles between realistic nose wheel steering using tillers or a more compatible nose-wheel steering with rudder pedals
- Independent lighting controls for Captain and First Officer
- Dimmable integral lighting for each panel
- Dimmable dynamic flood and storm lighting for a highly immersive and customisable night environment (more than 10 individual light sources, including entry, lap, sill and flight kit)
- Freely moveable lap and sill lighting
- Dimmable brightness of EFIS PFD, EFIS ND and FMS displays
- LCD and LED displays vary brightness automatically based on ambient lighting conditions
- Accurately simulated exterior lighting, including wing, logo and runway exit lights, and taxi/landing and navigation lights with different intensities
- Realistic passenger cabin lighting for forward and rear galleys, side wall lighting and ceiling lighting, including bright/dim controls
- Simulated emergency lighting in cockpit and cabin
Navigation systems
- Dual Inertial Reference System (IRS) with realistic alignment times that vary based on the aircraft’s latitude. Alignment can be as quick as 2.5 minutes at the equator, or up to 15 minutes at far north/south latitudes. A fast alignment option is included.
- Independent EFIS PFDs, EFIS NDs and FMSs for both Captain and First Officer
- Mode Control Panel (MCP) housing autopilot mode buttons, mode adjustment knobs, and target values displayed in LCD windows
- Dual RMI/DBI navigation instruments, fed by two VHF NAV and ADF radios, including DME hold function
- FMS/EFIS source selector for LNAV 1, LNAV 2 or split navigation via the EFIS PFD, ND and auto-flight system
- Fully functioning test modes on navigation instruments (e.g. EFIS PFD, EFIS ND, FLT TEST ANNUNS, DME)
- Transponder with TCAS (integrated with the TCAS traffic display) and simulated TCAS test
- Custom-coded EGPWS with modes 1-6, steep approach mode, flap warning override and test functionality
Oxygen system
- Flight crew and passenger oxygen systems with valve and mask deployment controls
Passenger cabins
- Highly detailed and fully interactable passenger cabins for each of the RJ variants
- Unique RJ cabin features include a curved aft cabin where seat layout reduces from a 3+3 to a 2+2 configuration for the last few rows, window blanks and smaller overhead bins in the centre of the cabin
- Extensive simulation of the cabin environment, including fully animated and interactable cabin doors and airstairs, lighting controls, cabin call panels and even a functional coffee maker and circuit breakers
- Ground service electrical bus simulation
- Independent lighting controls for galleys, ceiling, side wall, toilet and worktop, including bright/dim controls
- AUTO CABIN CREW option on the EFB that, when enabled, simulates the cabin crew performing their duties during the flight, including responding to cabin call chime, playing cabin music during passenger boarding and after landing, and performing passenger announcements
- Fully simulated music player with play, pause, skip, shuffle, repeat and volume functions
- Potable water that depletes throughout the flight and varies depending on coffee maker usage
Pneumatic system
- Realistic bleed air demand from engines and APU, and pneumatic supply to air-conditioning and ice protection systems
Power plant
- Fully custom-coded FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control)
- N1, N2, EGT, oil pressures and temperatures will all differ subtly between engines
- Fully simulated Primary Engine Display (PED), including engine indications, fuel flow and fuel quantity in KGS and LBS, overspeed/overtemperature warnings and manual override controls for N1 % RPM bugs
- Accurately simulated Thrust Rating Panel (TRP) with TOGA (MAXimum or REDUced), MCT (Maximum Continuous Thrust) and CLB (MAXimum or NORMal) modes. Takes account of engine bleed air requirements, e.g. for air conditioning and ice protection systems.
- Realistic engine start procedures with external, APU or cross-start sources, including accurate EGT behaviour
- Take-off and landing speed card which automatically displays reference speeds depending on current aircraft weight
- MSFS-native (Wwise) sound package taking full advantage of MSFS’ capabilities
- Studio quality Lycoming ALF-507 engine noise recorded from the real aircraft
- Over 450 flight deck sound effects recorded from the real aircraft
- Detailed equipment audio such as the avionics fans, APU, brake fans, electrical circuits, hydraulic equipment and many more
- Distinctive flap retraction/extension airflow ‘howling’ sound
- Detailed physics-based effects on engine and wind noise
- Accurately positioned 3D sound sources (best enjoyed in VR!)
- Custom crash and scraping effects
- Cabin audio for chimes, airstairs and doors, and even a functional coffee maker that brews coffee!
- Fully functional music player with seven music tracks as standard and the ability to import custom music tracks
- Extemsive Operations Manual with flight tutorial, systems guide, procedures, limitations and handling notes
- EFB manual with detailed information on all EFB features
- GNLU-910A FMS Operations Manual with dedicated tutorial flight
- Multiple interior and exterior camera presets, including wing views
- PSD Paint Kit available so you can create your own livery and cabin textures
- MSFS interactive checklist support (manual and Automatic/Co-pilot modes)
- Interactive paper charts and checklists in the cabin, with options to import custom documents
- EFB option to toggle the units of measurement used throughout the cockpit between KGS and LBS
- Support for numerous control assignments for compatibility with controllers and hardware
- GSX compatible; aircraft profiles included for each RJ variant
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Standard, Deluxe or Premium Deluxe edition)
- Processor: Intel i5-4460 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200 (Intel i5-8400 / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X recommended)
- RAM: 8GB (16GB recommended)
- Graphics card: nVidia GTX 770 / AMD Radeon RX 570 (nVidia GTX 970 / AMD Radeon RX 590 recommended)
- Operating System: Windows 10 / 11
- Peripherals: Joystick or compatible game controller (e.g. Xbox One Controller for Windows)
- 1GB hard drive space

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