Please use the chat bubble for any support requests.
We do not answer support on email or via form submissions in the editorial.
"We usually answer within one hour. That is true most of the time. But we're a small team and might need up to 24 hours to answer in some rare cases. If you leave your email address you will get an answer as soon as a consultant is available"
Frequently Asked Questions
I don't see my upgrade discount for a product
- You need to be logged in to your account to see the upgrade discount
- Be sure that you have an account. If you have trouble, look below.
I can't log in to my account.
- Accounts are not mandatory. Are you sure you made an account when you purchased something?
- If you want to make an account be sure to make one with the same email as your purchase!
- Store account and forum account are separate. You have to make a new account for the store.
- Are you using ad-blocker or no-script? Try turning these off and/or use another browser.
- Check you are using the same email address you used to create an account at the Threshold Store with. Search your inboxes for emails from our store, and find the one which has an account
- Check you are using the correct password
- Request a password reset on the login page, and change your password using the link in the email sent to you
I can't create an account.
- Are you using ad-blocker or no-script? Try turning these off and/or use another browser.
Where can I find my downloads?
- You will always receive an email with download link and corresponding key for your product. (If a key is needed)
Purchasing does not require an account. But we do recommend creating one for us to be able to give better support in case it is needed. - Head on over to your account on our store, click the order number (example: #1234), and below the product name, "(download here)" should be present
Navigate to your account and click on the order

Find the download text

- If you don't have an account or the download text is missing, go to the inbox of the email address you use with the Threshold Store. Search for "Threshold Store" (without quotes), and in one of the emails sent to you, you will find the download link and any key for the product.
- If this link does not work, there's a possibility the product(s) have been updated. In this case, seek out any emails informing you of an update, which contain newer download links.
We don't want you to be without your flight sim addons, so if you still cannot download your product(s), send us a message through the chat bubble on the right in our store. We'll be happy to get a fresh download link sent straight to your inbox. To speed up the process, ensure you are logged in before establishing contact.
Will I be notified of updates?
- Indeed you will! You will receive an email when ever a product you have purchased gets an update.
How can I unsubscribe from news letters?
- We usually don't send news letters. Or very seldom do. So when (if) we start with that you might no longer want any. So in line with spam email regulations, our newsletter is opt-in only. You can subscribe to our newsletter, even without an account, using the 'Subscribe to our newsletter' function on the front page of our store.
- On the contrary, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter by clicking 'Unsubscribe' at the bottom of any newsletter sent to you. If you'd prefer to opt-out now, just drop us a message through the chat bubble on the right on any page in our store. To speed up the process, ensure you are logged in before establishing contact.
I think my wings balance is incorrect
- Wings are our loyalty program that give money back over many orders. In the unlikely event you are part of the program but believe you have not received Wings on an order, get in touch with us, and we'll be glad to assist you. To speed up the process, ensure you are logged in before establishing contact.
Can I sell my products in the Threshold store?
- Absolutely! Please get in touch with us and we can begin to discuss how we introduce new developers and products to our store. Feel free to use the support chat for that and our support team will relay your message to management.